Creation of a “Soft Skills” Training module
for future engineers


September 2015: A young graduate of an engineering school has a burn-out… a first in the history of the school. I was contacted by the Director of the School to set up a training programme for students to deal with stress and psychosocial risks in their future jobs.


Give the School – a first – an “antidote” to potential malaise, even burn-out. A special module was designed for final year students, and was co-facilitated by 3 professionals of managerial “Soft Skills”.

Mission accomplished

The “Soft Skills” training module was delivered to a first class in 2016, and has been repeated ever since.


  1. Initial diagnosis via a targeted interview with School management
  2. I selected – immediately and easily – 3 complementary facilitators from my own network (N.B they did not know one another)
  3. Organisation of a meeting of the three of them
  4. Familiarisation with the context, the stakes, and the principle of a 3-stage training module

Creation of a module with 3 sessions over 3 months

In May 2016, the first class followed the training called “Soft Skills”. The training has been repeated every year since then.

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Dominique Bellos Consulting SAS

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