Portrait of a woman – L’LEAD Network
Dominique Bellos, the power of authenticity
Be yourself, dare to assert yourself, listen to yourself, be authentic. To move forward with your head held high in your professional life, with or without qualifications, with ambitions and dreams, while maintaining your intrinsic values, in all circumstances and fully assuming your choices.
This is what most women aspire to today.
However, many of them still don’t allow themselves to break certain codes, to break certain established rules, to go for it and never mind appearances and “what people will say”.
Some of the foundations inherited from education and society over the centuries need to be rebuilt in the image of the world in which women want to evolve as individuals, in complete freedom; to have a life that lives up to their own personal ambitions and in line with who they really are! To finally say: “I DARE to be who I am and what I want! I am AUTHENTIC!”
Let’s face it, going it alone is a bit complicated. So start with Dominique BELLOS “So you don’t miss out on your life.”
Why Dominique? Dominique worked for 50 years in industry, a male-dominated technical environment.
During the 1st part of her career, at Dupli-Color France, she progressed from Executive Secretary to General Manager. During the 2nd part of her career, at Hutchinson, she rose to the position of Vice President as Worldwide HR Director, becoming the 1st woman to join Hutchinson’s CODIR.
This long and dizzying evolution, this professional success in this industrial world for which she was not destined, she owes, she says “because I remained authentic, I was me in all circumstances, constantly listening to myself”
In 2019 Dominique opened her management and HR development consultancy, Dominique Bellos Consulting (www.dbellos.com) . She accompanies her clients in discovering the power of authenticity, through her training program: Oser être soi/Oser l’Authenticité. Dominique is the author of the book “Once upon a time… A woman in Industry” (Ed.L’Harmattan). Discover her atypical career path and draw inspiration from her many experiences and the guiding principles she draws from them, which she generously shares with her readers.
🏆 Winner of La Tribune’s Women Awards in the Industry category, in October 2015 she was awarded the 1st HRD Humor Prize by Admiral Olivier Lajous, President of the DéciDRH club, whom she succeeded in May 2016. From January 2017 to December 2019, she chaired the SNCP.
“It’s not the path that’s difficult, it’s the difficult that’s the path” S. Kierkegaard
THANK YOU Dominique for being part of our L’Lead Women’s Network.
#portraitdefemmes #leadershipféminin