Portrait of a woman – Experconnect

What woman hasn’t dreamt of discovering her portrait executed with kindness and respect under the brush or pen of an artist?

Here is the portrait that Experconnect entrusted to its journalist, revealing my personality with talent and humour:

Portraits of Experconnect experts.

Dominique Bellos, fulfilled, authentic, vulnerable and tenacious
‘After 50 years in the industry, I finally said to myself that I was a #literary woman who had blossomed in a male world without ever having experienced the glass ceiling.
One paradox is enough for Dominique Bellos to sum up the career path that led her to the presidency of the rubber union and the vice-presidency of Hutchinson, after managing the tyre department and HR hashtags.

The paradox of one of those initial chances that lead to great success. Dominique had joined a company as a secretary to finance her Master’s degree in literature. The subject was love in the literature of the German Middle Ages. ‘It was more subtle than in French texts and it helped me make the transition from teenager to woman.
Add to that the combination of intuition and forward-looking questioning! As a result, the young woman prefers industry to teaching: ‘I discovered that I was a formidable negotiator and businesswoman. I put my teaching skills at the service of the company rather than the students.

Any other keys to this success? The hashtag#authenticity. ‘Being able to say ‘I don’t know’ to engineers. ‘Explain to me why it doesn’t work and how it could work! And how it could work!
Dominique adds to this an undeniable empathy for the human race, ‘in particular for women workers who are sometimes trapped in their status’.

Today, with Experconnect, she is spreading throughout France the principles she has condensed into ‘Once upon a time… A woman in industry’ (Editions l’Harmattan). These are ideas that will make complex talents feel less inhibited. Self-confidence, love and consideration for others, without condescension or status restrictions.

This is what she had to say recently at TEDxBelfort. The event brings together a thousand teenagers and business leaders looking for fresh ideas, galvanising hope and the desire to dare. Dominique was the perfect choice, as she was joined by the President of ATD Fourth World, a top sportswoman, a colonel in the spy service and a newspaper designer.

Daring is one of his key words. The company needs to be able to integrate the hashtag#women who have children with their specific career paths. And all categories of people according to their needs and skills. But beware: ‘the company is not a kindergarten. Everyone has to know how to take care of themselves, even if the company looks after everyone. And the issue of disability is not a cosmetic one when workers are losing their fingers in the factory.
Today, Dominique works on one assignment after another. She is not calling for any special status for senior employees or women. They have to take responsibility for themselves and ‘ladies and gentlemen’ have to work without complaining at the slightest setback. ‘The hashtag #Women’sDay is a small victory. But there are countries like Iran and Afghanistan where more remains to be done than here.