INTERVIEW with ANDRH Magazine N°635
On the occasion of the HR Technologies event and the publication of its Magazine [N°635], the ANDRH published on pages 52 and 53 my interview dedicated to my consulting firm
The best chance of leading the career with corresponds to who we really are lies in daring to be ourselves, being authentic and kind.
Dominique Bellos
By daring to be yourself in all circumstances, with authenticity and kindness, you give yourself every chance of achieving the career and the life that suit you.
At the end of my career of almost fifty years in industry, I realised that my acceptance and fulfilment in this predominantly male technical world were not just based on my qualifications or skills, but above all about my authenticity. What enabled me to overcome the glass ceiling was having the boldness to be myself and to remain myself in all circumstances. I then decided to share this discovery through my book ‘Once upon a… woman in industry’ (L’Harmattan) and the creation of my consultancy: Dominique Bellos Consulting.
Driven by a culture of excellence, my approach places authenticity at the heart of my assignments, inviting those who call on me to embody their uniqueness in order to successfully undergo the change initiated by my coaching.
Whether it’s mentoring for individuals or specific assignments involving strategic, managerial and/or structural reflection for organisations, my involvement is part of a timeless dimension that puts people at the heart of what’s at stake.
Refusing all superficiality, my commitment to each of my missions is unreserved, a sine qua non for results that are meaningful, efficient and in line with the objectives set.
My book is first and foremost a work, written with authenticity and boldness, and dedicated to those who aspire to achieve the career that suits them and who, at the core of the company, want the Human Being not to remain an incantation or a pious hope. By sharing with them the importance of the boldness to be oneself in all circumstances, I invite them to dare to break codes and reveal the Human in each of them. By discovering that the Human Being is no longer an option, their company will be keen to make it its number one condition for ensuring its long-term survival and efficient competitiveness.
My book is also my business card, revealing not only my name and position, but also the highlights of my career and the people I have met who have shaped my personality.
My book is at least the backbone of my range of services dedicated to companies and, by extension, to any organisation that aspires to ‘practise the human touch’ with authenticity.
The ‘Dare to be yourself’ group mentoring program includes a group module upstream to set the framework and collect individual expectations, and an individual module downstream to draw up a personalised roadmap for each person.
By mentoring, I mean the interpersonal relationship of support, help, exchange and learning that I initiate with the mentee(s). As a mentor, I ensure that my support, based on my experience and expertise, meets the needs of the mentee(s) as closely as possible, in line with the objectives linked to their professional and/or personal development.
‘Daring authenticity in business’:
that’s the title of the support package I offer to any organisation seeking sustainable growth. The approach involves activating the success lever by enhancing the value of the human element, by inviting the organisation to discover how to promote a culture of authenticity among its staff [in particular, how to embody its values, dare to take off the masks, give priority to speaking the truth, grant the right to make mistakes, develop talent with complete confidence and total autonomy, encourage both male and female leadership.
On the strength of my experience as a manager of medium-sized structures and as a member of the Management Committee of large companies, and with extensive expertise in human resources, I also support organisations in their development through tailor-made missions of a strategic, managerial and/or structural nature. As the right-hand man of the people I work with, I’m fully integrated into the way they work, so I can decode and share in the challenges they face, and help them come up with appropriate operational solutions.
This is the story of Noémie, a brilliant engineer in her early forties, who discovered me through an interview with a journalist for a television programme on the occasion of the publication of my book. She decided to buy the book and after reading it contacted me.
Her question: Would I be prepared to work with her to help her get the job that best matches her aspirations and talents, without having to change her company, one of the flagships of French industry?
This is the story of Valentine, a well-known speaker who wishes for her 50th birthday that she had fulfilled 2 wishes:
1) Accepting the woman she has become
2) To have succeeded in getting her book published, a real springboard for her professional activity.
Her question: Would I be prepared to help her meet this double challenge?
This is the story of 7 women, all working in a local authority in the Paris region, to whom the CEO and HR Director decided to offer group mentoring to enable them:
1) Boost their self-confidence
2) Dare to assert their female leadership within the municipality.
Their question: Would I be ready to take up this challenge, through collective mentoring, a first for me?
This is the story of 2 young women working in a technology cluster who had recently been promoted to management positions and to whom their general management had decided to offer a group mentoring programme to help them take on their new managerial role.
The question: Would I be prepared to take on this challenge, a 2-voice mentoring scheme designed to enable the 2 mentees to take on their new roles with confidence and legitimacy?
This is the story of a major French company, a subsidiary of an international group, whose CEO contacted me after discovering me at my conference on the theme of Authenticity.
His request was for me to help him give the company an authentic COMEX that lived up to his expectations and served the company’s collective challenges.
His question: Would I be prepared to take on this strategic challenge with high human stakes?
This is the story of a European ETI, whose CEO – a friend – would like to have my diagnosis of its French subsidiary, whose business and profitability are at a low ebb. He wanted my recommendations on the structure and organisation to be put in place to enable his subsidiary to return to growth and profitability in line with the company’s ambitions.
His question: Would I be prepared to support him in this highly strategic mission, objectively and without affect?
On the occasion of the HR Technologies event and the publication of its Magazine [N°635], the ANDRH published on pages 52 and 53 my interview dedicated to my consulting firm
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